Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentNotice to Central Florida Homebuyers:  The Department of Housing and Urban Development announced on Wednesday that its continuing its commitment to fighting discrimination in housing by making available grants totally $38 million through its Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP). The funding supports multiple fair housing activities, including testing, outreach activities, public education, and building capacity.

The FHIP is an effort by HUD to bring together fair housing organizations and other nonprofits to assist people that believe they’ve fallen victim to discrimination. Organizations send out testers—who are both non-Hispanic whites and minorities—with the same financial qualifications to see if they are treated differently when looking for housing opportunities.

This year’s funds are available through three different initiatives, as follows:

Under the category of the Education and Outreach Initiatives (EOI), the HUD has made available grants totaling $7,450,000 for the education of the general public as well as housing providers about individual rights and lender responsibilities as put forth under federal law. This grant money will also support local and state organizations in the enforcement of fair housing laws that mirror the Fair Housing ActOne million dollars will also be dedicated to a national media campaign.

In the Fair Housing Organizations Initiative (FHOI), which strives to build up nonprofit organizations and increase their effectiveness, will have a total of $500,000 in grants to disseminate. HUD is particularly interested in organizations that focus on underserved populations, such as rural areas and immigrants.

Finally, the Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI) grants will continue to offer a total of $30.35 million to organizations that handle claims of housing discrimination under the Fair Housing Act, including testing, intake, investigations, and litigation.

Qualified organizations are encouraged to apply through EOI grants should search FR-6100-N-21-A; FHOI grants search FR-6100-N-21B; and PEI grants should search FR-6100-N-21C.

The deadline for HUD to receive applications is September 18, 2017.

Courtesy of Joey Pizzolato

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