What Are Home Inspectors Not Allowed To Do

During the process of a home inspection, it can be important to manage your expectations of a home inspector. The inspection itself is defined as a non-invasive, visual examination of a residential property with the goal of identifying material defects throughout the home’s structure, systems, and components. Based on this, inspectors have a range of restrictions intended to keep them focused on their job and avoid interference. If you are searching for new homes in Davenport, FL, read on to learn some things you may be surprised to learn an inspector cannot do.

Perform Destructive Testing

Usually, a home inspector is called in on behalf of a client who is purchasing a home to live in or use as a rental. In order to keep the home intact for…

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What Is Due Diligence in Real Estate

If you’ve ever heard the phrase caveat emptor, or “buyer beware,” you may wonder how that applies to the process of buying a home. One potential risk of buying real estate is that in addition to the property, you are buying unseen problems. Due diligence is a process that is designed to protect the buyer, as well as the seller, from this scenario. As you look at homes for sale in Winter Haven, FL, it is important to understand what the process of due diligence looks like and why it is so crucial.

Defining Due Diligence

In short, due diligence refers to investigating facts about the condition of the property, both financial and physical, as well as the area the property is located in. You can think of this like doing your homework on a property…

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 Christmas Banner

November’s median home price was recorded at $330,000, a new record high and increasing once again after October’s median home price was recorded at $325,000.

November 2021 Recap

State of the Market

  • November’s median home price was recorded at $330,000, a new record high and increasing once again after October’s median home price was recorded at $325,000.
  • Overall sales in November dropped by 2.55%, with a total of 3,664 sales.
  • Homes spent an average of 28 days on the market in November, up slightly from October 2021 when the average was 27.
  • Inventory continues to drop in November, decreasing by 10.57% from October to November, for a total of 3,046 homes on the market in November.
  • After the number of new listings…

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18 Expert Tips for Renting Out a House for the First Time
Renting out a house can be an incredible investment opportunity and a chance to learn more about how to be successful in the real estate rental market. You will encounter many triumphs and challenges when choosing to become a landlord for the first time. If you are looking for homes for sale in Windermere, Fl, as your first rental property, there are certain things you can do to help make this a success. Here are 18 expert tips for renting a house in Florida:

1. Remember That Renting Is a Business

If it’s your first time renting a house as a landlord, then the first thing you want to remind yourself is that renting is a business. While you want to find tenants that work well for your property, you must remember that you are a landlord. There are…

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Whether you are moving into your first home or you’re an experienced homeowner, one of the most exciting parts of moving can be getting new items to spruce up your living space. If you’re preparing to look at homes for sale in Haines City, here are 25 things you may want to consider when upgrading your new home!

For the Bedroom:

upgrading your bedroomA New Mattress

While mattresses technically last a long time, there’s no denying that they lose some of their comfort over the years. With a range of new mattresses available, usually with easy delivery, getting a new one to suit your family’s needs is one of the best ways to usher in a new bedroom. Sleeping on a brand new surface is just what you need to make you feel like you truly upgraded!

Fresh Bedding

Even if…

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Under Contract vs. Pending What’s the DifferenceIf you’ve ever spent time house-hunting, whether in-person or online, you’ve probably experienced the disappointment of finding the perfect home only to see that it is already being sold. This can appear in a number of ways, including “pending” or “under contract.” While many people confuse these, they actually represent different parts of the sales process. During your search for homes for sale in Minneola, it’s important to understand these terms and what they may mean for properties you are interested in.

How Home Sales Work

Buying a home is a more complex process than most purchases, where you simply exchange money for goods. The transaction usually involves three separate parties – the buyer, the seller, and the bank financing the home loan –…

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10 Questions to Ask When Buying New Home ConstructionThe process of buying new home construction can, in some ways, be simpler than pre-built homes, as you don’t have to worry about existing structures. However, there are also a lot of processes and decisions that come with new home construction that may be unfamiliar to even a seasoned buyer. If you are considering new construction in Davenport, FL, the below guide has examples of what questions to ask throughout the process.

1. Is the Lot Cost Included?

You’ll see that each plan in new construction has a base cost, which represents the structure itself, a base interior, and exterior features. However, this may not always include the cost of purchasing the land you will build on, so it is important to understand, as that price tag can also be large.

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How Long Does a Home Inspection TakeOnce you have decided to purchase a new home, you may be anxious for the sales process to move quickly so that you can move in and begin your life in a new home. It can sometimes feel like the steps, including home inspections, are keeping you from this. However, home inspections are very important to the process for both buyers and sellers. As you look at homes for sale in Groveland, FL, the below can help you understand what to expect from the home inspection and how long it might take.

What Is a Home Inspection?

Home inspections are inspections performed by professionals to identify any problems with a home or areas of needed improvements before a sale is complete. They may look for things like wood rot, mold, structural imbalances, broken…

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When Is the Best Time to Buy a HouseWhen it comes to buying a house, you might find yourself wondering whether or not the time of year matters. While the home buying market does fluctuate slightly with seasonal trends, there are pros and cons to all months of the year. If you are looking for homes for sale in Clermont, Fl, then you want to consider the best time to buy a house for you. The purchase price of houses can fluctuate depending on the time of year, along with the amount of inventory available on the market. The good news is that you can find a home to buy no matter what the season. Here’s what you need to know about seasonal housing market trends so you can determine when the best time of year to buy a house is for you.

Best Time of Year to Buy a House

Here are examples of…

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