Top 10 Areas to Invest in Real Estate in Central Florida for 2023

The state of Florida has always been ripe with good deals for savvy real estate investors. Investing in real estate can serve as a reliable source of income and wealth-building for both individuals and corporations. Prime real estate in Central Florida can offer a significant return on investment when you get smart about investing in the local market and protecting those investments. Whether you are looking at an ocean-front condo or an established home in a gated coastal community, Central Florida real estate always features plenty of opportunities to invest. The popularity of many Central Florida communities will help guarantee a consistent flow of income for your real estate…

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Rent-Back Agreement: Why Sellers Might Need It 

When working in a hot housing market, the intense competition for homes can create complications for sellers planning their next move. If you are selling a primary residence, you have important factors to consider, like how long it might take to find your next home and what you will do in the interim. If your home sells quickly before you have secured a new primary residence, you will want to look at all your options for housing in the meantime. One such option can be what’s known as a rent-back agreement, which has become increasingly popular in the latest housing market boom.

What to Know About Rent-Back Agreements

When navigating both selling your primary home and buying a new home, you end…

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Central Florida Real Estate Market Recap of September 2022

Due to the increase in interest rates, Sales have dropped 18.3 % when compared to August.

September 2022 Recap

State of the Market

  • September’s interest rate was recorded at 6.3%, a 19.5% increase from August when the interest rate was 5.3%.
  • Overall sales in September dropped by 18.3% for a total of 2,717 sales compared to 3,324 sales in August.
  • Overall sales dropped 28.3% in September 2022 compared to September of last year.
  • The median home price for September 2022 was recorded at $365,000, a decrease of 3.4% compared to August’s median home price, $377,750. This is the third month in a row that the median home price has fallen.
  • Inventory rose…

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2022 Q4 Central Florida Housing Market Trends & Predictions

The first three quarters of 2022 have been a whirlwind of growth for Central Florida. Home prices climbed a steep hill, but in the next quarter, some areas may begin to expect a small decline or plateau. It can be difficult to navigate the changes occurring in the housing market, but Florida Realty Marketplace’s experts are equipped to help you make a decision that yields the most benefits.

How Is the Central Florida Real Estate Market?

Florida’s market has been hotter than most in the last year, with Central Florida’s Tampa experiencing one of the biggest year-over-year changes in home prices between 2021 and 2022. Orlando’s listing prices have gone up by about 20% in that same time.…

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The Best and Worst States for Retirement in the US

Choosing where you will make your home during your golden years is a huge decision. There are tons of factors to consider. Some of them, like whether or not you want to be close to family, can be complicated. However, Florida Realty Marketplace can help you break down considerations like tax friendliness or healthcare quality. Some states in the country offer better benefits in these areas than others, and perhaps starting there can help you narrow down your choices.

Best States For Retirement


Along with beaches and Disney World, one of Florida’s defining characteristics is its population of retirees. Sunny, warm Florida – whose average annual temperature is second in the country only…

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