When you’ve decided to sell your home, it can be overwhelming thinking about all the things that need to be done. It’s true that the way your home presents can be important, but there’s more to think about than just the appearance. Before placing a home for sale in Davenport, FL, you need to be sure you have the right team in place and the home ready for viewings. Below is a checklist you can use while you prepare to sell your home.
1. Understand Your Home’s Value
Have you ever wondered "what's my home worth?" The best way to determine the value of your home is to do research on the local housing market. Search for comparable homes in your neighborhood to determine recent sale prices. Pay close attention to the price per square foot in addition to features and locations, then compare these to your home. For example, you may notice a neighbor’s home selling for $500,000, but if your home is considerably smaller or doesn’t have a pool like theirs does, you may want to list it for a lower price. A realtor will also be able to help you determine the best price for your home.
2. Find a Listing Agent
One of the best things you can do when listing a home is to use a professional real estate agent. Someone with experience in your neighborhood, connections to buyers, as well as advertising and social media channels will be invaluable during the process. With your realtor, you can create a thorough plan for getting your home sold quickly and for a fair rate.
3. Keep a Handyman on Speed Dial
Even if you aren’t planning to do major renovations, having a trusted handyman in your contacts can be critical for preparing your home. Small things like sticky locks, leaky faucets, or squeaky doors can be fixed at a very low cost and show potential buyers that you have taken care of the home. This gives them confidence that other, larger items have also been taken care of over the years.
4. Declutter Your Home
Most of the time, you’ll be living in your home during the sales process. Buyers understand that they’ll see your furniture and belongings during viewings, but you want them to be able to picture the space with nothing in it. Doing a basic declutter and removing knick-knacks, garbage, or boxes can go a long way in helping the home to look more streamlined and appealing to clients.
You can even rent a storage unit to store belongings that you want to keep but not display during the sales process. This is a good way to depersonalize your home, as you can store things like family photos, awards, bulletin boards, and calendars that you’ll want to be removed for viewings but to access in your new home.
5. Do a Deep Clean
This is another way to make your home look well cared for and relieve buyers’ worries about how old or functional items are. A deep clean means you do the basics like cleaning the toilet, mopping and vacuuming, and keeping surfaces wiped down, but also some other tasks you do less often. Rent a carpet steamer or call in a professional, and make sure to get the baseboards!
6. Stage & Photograph Your Home
Staging your home means taking care to make it look as appealing as possible. This can include the exterior of your home, like getting some landscaping done, as well as adding fresh coats of paint indoors and making the home appear to be well-kept. Once you’ve completed staging, it’s time to have professional photographers come in to capture images. Pictures are the first thing buyers look for on a listing, so high-quality images can make the difference between a viewing or no viewing. Real estate photographers are skilled at emphasizing size, natural light, and other features that catch people’s attention when house hunting.
7. Buy More Light Bulbs
This is a great insider tip- have light bulbs on hand! During a viewing, you’ll have all the lights in your home on, sometimes for extended periods. The light makes the home look more appealing and prevents the appearance that you are hiding something. Before you sell, take stock of all the types of lightbulbs in your home and be sure to have replacements.
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