Sycamore Orlando Resort Homes for Sale in Kissimmee FL
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Homes for Sale at Sycamore Resort Orlando
provides any owner or investor a "hassle-free" experience and an opportunity to maximize on the resorts location and operation.
Developer financing and guaranteed leaseback options are available.
Take advantage of the 10% Gross Assurance, 3-year Leaseback Program and enjoy hassle-free ownership while earning an assured income.
- Guaranteed 10% Rental Income for 3 years
- Owners will receive monthly income deposited directly in the owner checking account.
- The unit can be used up to 30 days a year.
- Phase 1 – The HOA will be covered by Sycamore Property Management.
*leaseback amount varies depending upon purchase price and floor plan selected
Reconnect – Relax – Return
- The Sycamore Resort is positioned between hotels and single family homes. The investor and the tourist who seek space and comfort find in it all the Resort convenience and entertainment without the costs of a single family property.
- These properties will be administered by a Private Property Company with years of experience to offer the best guest experience.
- The main goal is to create revenue in the Resort area to decrease the costs for the owners. All the costs of the Resort are paid directly to the guest at the time of booking. Sycamore is the only Resort that will not charge owners: Resort Association fees or Property Taxes in the Common area maintenance ( CDD).
Site Plan
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